Squid Game Episode 4 in Hindi "Stick to the Team"

 Squid Game Episode 4 in Hindi "Stick to the Team"

The Front Man declares the game is over when Player 001, who somehow made his way to the top of the highest bunk, cries and pleads with everyone to stop. The game ends, and thankfully, Gi-hun and his team have made it out alive (and unfortunately, so has Deok-su and his crew). At the start of the game, there were 107 players. Now, the number has trickled down to 80. As the guards make their way around the lobby identifying the dead, Jun-ho approaches Gi-hun and quietly asks him if he has seen a man named Hwang In-ho. Gi-hun tells him that they don't know each other's names.
Afterwards, Gi-hun and his friends decide it is time to share their names. He, Sang-woo, Ali, and Sae-byeok all officially introduce themselves, but Player 001, either traumatized by the bloody events that have just transpired, or suffering from memory loss due to his ailing health, can't remember his name at the moment. Meanwhile, Player 111 has convinced Deok-su to let him be a part of his team after telling him that he knows what the next game will be. As he is tending to Deok-su's injuries, Player 212 affectionately calls Deok-su "babe" and implies he join her in the bathroom where they have sex in one of the stalls. Afterwards, she tells him that she knows he and Player 111 are hiding something and asks him if he really will stick with her until the end. She asks him his name, and then tells him that if he betrays her, she will kill him. While Jun-ho is lying in bed that night, he again hears coughing from the next room over. He realizes suddenly that the coughing is in fact morse code for the number 29, the room he is staying in.

Before the third game begins, the players are told that they will be playing as a team. They have ten minutes to split into groups of ten. Between Gi-hun, Sang-woo, Ali, Sae-byeok, and Player 001, they still need five more people. Sang-woo advises everyone to split up and bring back one more person, but he says they can't have any more women on the team because it has been proven that men perform better in the games. He is more than displeased when Sae-byeok, unapologetically, brings back a woman, Player 240 (Lee Yoo-mi) and when Player 001 doesn't bring back anyone, they get stuck with Player 212, who is completely floored when Deok-su forms a team of 10 of the strongest men, clearly excluding her.

Unfortunately, cementing what Sang-woo feared to be true, the next game is one that relies on physical strength: Tug of war. They will be playing a deadly version (of course) of the game on a suspended platform high in the air so that when one team loses, they will plummet to their death. Deok-su clearly feels smug and confident since he has gathered the strongest men for his team. Thankfully, he and his crew are not pitted against Gi-hun and his team because Deok-su and his team easily win in the game's first round.

Gi-hun's team is called next to go against, to their dismay, a team made up of only men. It seems they are completely doomed. On their way up to the platform, however, Player 001 shares his wisdom from his experience playing tug of war as a child. He says it isn't necessarily about strength — even the teams that are up against someone stronger can win if they follow the right strategy. He advises them to place the rope in the middle and stand on alternating sides, keeping their feet planted straightforward and tucking the rope underneath their armpits. The next step proves to be crucial: in the first ten seconds, they must plant their feet and tilt their body backwards, their lower abdomen up to the sky.

As Player 001 predicted, this instantly throws off the other team, who is unable to pull them forward. Then, the very moment the other team begins to lose their rhythm, Gi-hun yells for them to start pulling. Player 001's strategy appears to be working as the other team begins to falter, and in turn, lose their lead. Unfortunately, however, they are able to pull the rope back to their side and in a tense moment of panic, it seems that Gi-hun and his team's fate is sealed. Sang-woo tells them all, to their shock and horror, to take three steps forward on his count, in hopes it will cause the other team to trip. On three, the camera zooms in to their feet as they tumble forward three steps and.. on that momentous note, the episode ends.

  • Squid Game
  • Korean thriller series
  • Netflix original
  • Deadly games
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